Frequently Asked Questions

Cost is determined by length of session and number of sessions booked. Email us your interest and we will send you an enquiry pack. You can also book an intake session.
This obviously depends on the issues being dealt with – after the intake session you will be given an idea of how many sessions would be suitable.
Counselling is similar to coaching in the way that they are both focused around talking with an independent, non-judgemental, confidential, qualified person, but it focusses on dealing with past issues and problems, where as coaching is future focussed – it works on solutions rather than addressing the past. Coaching does involve discussing where a client is now, but all with a future emphasis.
We offer an intake session – there is no obligation to continue with coaching – in fact coaching is all about learning, so if you do learn something from the starter session and that is “coaching isn’t what is right for me at the moment” then the coaching has had some effect!
Everyone needs time to focus and re-group – life can be fast and furious, and unless you take the time to decide on what you want out of life or your business, you may find that you spend a lot of time and money on things that either don’t make you happy or cost you a lot with little reward. Coaches encourage achievement and this leads to fulfilment – show me who doesn’t want these things?